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Format for PapersThese instructions are different from those for some previous years. Please read them carefully in full. The conference proceedings will again be published in book form by Springer-Verlag. The books will be prepared from camera-ready copy supplied by the authors of accepted papers. Regular papers for oral presentation must be a maximum of 14 pages in the specified format. Short papers for poster presentation must be a maximum of 6 pages in the specified format.
Information about formatting specifications is given below. It is based on that given on the publisher's website, but there are some important changes. Only the style files downloaded from this page should be used. General Instructions for Papers in Both Word and LatexPapers must be uploaded without any page numbers, even on the first page. These will be added at the production stage. There should be running heads on all but the first page (authors' names right-adjusted on pages 2, 4 etc. and paper title left-adjusted on pages 3, 5 etc.), with neither running heads nor page numbers on Page 1. All text and figures must be in black and white only.
Instructions for Latex UsersA LaTeX2e macro package can be downloaded from here (712K). The file authsamp.pdf, which should be downloaded from here (111K) will show you what a paper published in the proceedings ought to look like. Please note however that papers must be uploaded without any page numbers, even on the first page, and that all figures must be in black and white only, not colour. Note also that references 6-10 (page 7) have the wrong bibliographic style for authors’ names (J.Dod, rather than the correct form Dod, J.). Abstracts definitely will be included in the printed versions of the papers.
Instructions for Word UsersA document template T1-book has been prepared by Springer and can be downloaded together with instructions for using it from here (369K). Predefined style formats can be easily accessed via hotkeys or special toolbars. Springer does not provide a sample Word file to use as a model. However you may find this Word 2000 file (116K) helpful as an approximate guide. It also shows the style to use for references for this conference. Note that papers must be uploaded without any page numbers, even on the first page, and that all figures must be in black and white only, not colour.
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