The Specialist Group on Artificial Intelligence
AI-2020: The Fortieth SGAI International Conference
8th-9th and 15th-17th December 2020

Best papers in each stream

Technical stream

Exposing Students to New Terminologies While Collecting Browsing Search Data
O. Zammit (Middlesex University Malta, Pembroke, Malta), S. Smith and D. Windridge (Middlesex University, London, UK), C. De Raffaele (Middlesex University Malta, Pembroke, Malta)

Mining Interpretable Rules for Sentiment and Semantic Relation Analysis using Tsetlin Machines
Rupsa Saha, Ole-Christoffer Granmo and Morten Goodwin (University of Agder, Grimstad, Norway)

A Novel Multi-Step Finite-State Automaton for Arbitrarily Deterministic Tsetlin Machine Learning
K. Darshana Abeyrathna and Ole-Christoffer Granmo (University of Agder, Grimstad, Norway), Rishad Shafik, Alex Yakovlev, Adrian Wheeldon, and Jie Lei (Newcastle University, UK), Morten Goodwin (University of Agder, Grimstad, Norway)

Application stream

Software Fault Localisation via Probabilistic Modelling
C. G. Johnson (University of Nottingham, UK)

Partial-ACO Mutation Strategies to Scale-up Fleet Optimisation and Improve Air Quality
Darren M. Chitty (Aston University, UK)

Short-term Forecasting Methodology for Energy Demand in Residential Buildings and the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Forecasts
Meritxell Gomez-Omella (TEKNIKER, Basque Research and Technology Alliance and University of the Basque Country, Spain), Iker Esnaola-Gonzalez and Susana Ferreiro (TEKNIKER, Basque Research and Technology Alliance, Spain)

The Specialist Group on Artificial Intelligence
AI-2020: The Fortieth SGAI International Conference
8th-9th and 15th-17th December 2020