Papers Accepted for the Technical Stream
Best Refereed Paper
On Ontological Expressivity and Modelling Argumentation Schemes using COGUI
Wael Hamdan, Rady Khazem and Ghaida Rebdawi (Higher Institute of Applied Science and Technology (HIAST), Syria), Madalina Croitoru and Alain Gutierrez (University Montpellier 2, France)
Session T1: Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
Computationally Efficient Rule-Based Classification for Continuous Streaming Data
T.Le and F.Stahl (University of Reading, UK), J.B.Gomes (Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), Singapore), M.M.Gaber (Robert Gordon University, UK) and G.Di Fatta (University of Reading, UK)
Preference and Sentiment Guided Social Recommendations with Temporal Dynamics
Xavier Ferrer (AI Research Institute, Spanish Scientific Research Council, Spain), Yoke Yie Chen, Nirmalie Wirtaunga (IDEAS Research Institute, Robert Gordon University, UK), Enric Plaza (AI Research Institute, Spanish Scientific Research Council, Spain)
Towards a Parallel Computationally Efficient Approach to Scaling up Data Stream Classification
M.Tennant, F.Stahl and G.Di Fatta (University of Reading, UK), J.B.Gomes (Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), Singapore)
Session T2: Agents, Ontologies and Genetic Programming
Query Failure Explanation in Inconsistent Knowledge Bases: A Dialogical Approach
Abdallah Arioua (IATE, INRA, UM2), Nouredine Tamani (INRIA GraphIK, LIRMM), Madalina Croitoru (INRIA GraphIK, LIRMM, UM2) , Patrice Buche (IATE, CIRAD-INRA-Supagro-UM2)
Benchmarking Grammar-Based Genetic Programming Algorithms
Christopher J. Headleand, Llyr Ap Cenydd and William J. Teahan (University of Bangor, Wales)
The Effects of Bounding Rationality on the Performance and Learning of CHREST Agents in Tileworld
M. Lloyd-Kelly and F. Gobet (University of Liverpool, UK), P. Lane (University of Hertfordshire, UK)
Session T3: Machine Learning
Following the trail of source languages in literary translations
C.Klaussner (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland), G.Lynch (University College Dublin, Ireland) and C.Vogel (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)
Reluctant Reinforcement Learning
C.Jones (New College Lanarkshire, Glasgow, UK) and M.Crowe (University of the West of Scotland, Glasgow, UK)
Improved Stability of Feature Selection by Combining Instance and Feature Weighting
G. Prat and Ll. Belanche (School of Computer Science, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)
Short Papers Accepted for Technical Stream (poster presentation)
An Autopoietic Repertoire
M. J. Wheatman (Yagadi Ltd)
De-risking Fleet Replacement Decisions
A.Liret (British Telecom, UK), A.H.Ansaripoor and F.S.Oliveira (ESSEC Business School, Singapore)
Reliability and Effectiveness of Cross-validation in Feature Selection
Ghadah Aldehim and Wenjia Wang (University of East Anglia, UK)
Self-Reinforced Meta Learning for Belief Generation
Alexandros Gkiokas, Alexandra Cristea and Matthew Thorpe (University of Warwick, UK)
Papers Accepted for the Technical Stream
Best Refereed Paper
On Ontological Expressivity and Modelling Argumentation Schemes using COGUI
Wael Hamdan, Rady Khazem and Ghaida Rebdawi (Higher Institute of Applied Science and Technology (HIAST), Syria), Madalina Croitoru and Alain Gutierrez (University Montpellier 2, France)
Session T1: Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
Computationally Efficient Rule-Based Classification for Continuous Streaming Data
T.Le and F.Stahl (University of Reading, UK), J.B.Gomes (Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), Singapore), M.M.Gaber (Robert Gordon University, UK) and G.Di Fatta (University of Reading, UK)
Preference and Sentiment Guided Social Recommendations with Temporal Dynamics
Xavier Ferrer (AI Research Institute, Spanish Scientific Research Council, Spain), Yoke Yie Chen, Nirmalie Wirtaunga (IDEAS Research Institute, Robert Gordon University, UK), Enric Plaza (AI Research Institute, Spanish Scientific Research Council, Spain)
Towards a Parallel Computationally Efficient Approach to Scaling up Data Stream Classification
M.Tennant, F.Stahl and G.Di Fatta (University of Reading, UK), J.B.Gomes (Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), Singapore)
Session T2: Agents, Ontologies and Genetic Programming
Query Failure Explanation in Inconsistent Knowledge Bases: A Dialogical Approach
Abdallah Arioua (IATE, INRA, UM2), Nouredine Tamani (INRIA GraphIK, LIRMM), Madalina Croitoru (INRIA GraphIK, LIRMM, UM2) , Patrice Buche (IATE, CIRAD-INRA-Supagro-UM2)
Benchmarking Grammar-Based Genetic Programming Algorithms
Christopher J. Headleand, Llyr Ap Cenydd and William J. Teahan (University of Bangor, Wales)
The Effects of Bounding Rationality on the Performance and Learning of CHREST Agents in Tileworld
M. Lloyd-Kelly and F. Gobet (University of Liverpool, UK), P. Lane (University of Hertfordshire, UK)
Session T3: Machine Learning
Following the trail of source languages in literary translations
C.Klaussner (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland), G.Lynch (University College Dublin, Ireland) and C.Vogel (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)
Reluctant Reinforcement Learning
C.Jones (New College Lanarkshire, Glasgow, UK) and M.Crowe (University of the West of Scotland, Glasgow, UK)
Improved Stability of Feature Selection by Combining Instance and Feature Weighting
G. Prat and Ll. Belanche (School of Computer Science, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)
Short Papers Accepted for Technical Stream (poster presentation)
An Autopoietic Repertoire
M. J. Wheatman (Yagadi Ltd)
De-risking Fleet Replacement Decisions
A.Liret (British Telecom, UK), A.H.Ansaripoor and F.S.Oliveira (ESSEC Business School, Singapore)
Reliability and Effectiveness of Cross-validation in Feature Selection
Ghadah Aldehim and Wenjia Wang (University of East Anglia, UK)
Self-Reinforced Meta Learning for Belief Generation
Alexandros Gkiokas, Alexandra Cristea and Matthew Thorpe (University of Warwick, UK)